Hey, Please take a look at my online store www.crward.etsy.com . You can click the link --------------> The items above will be on sale. Acrylic ink on 5"x7" wood. :)
I met Rihanna at a signing for her new CD at Best Buy on 14th St!! I was so excited. I gave her the painting I did.I hope she liked it!! She was nice to let me take a picture of her with it. ^^
My illustration is in an exhibition called 'Monsters on Bikes' in California. The show will be up until December 11th! If you're in the area, check it out! At Bike Oven and The Flying Pigeon, 3706 & 3714 N. Figueroa Street, Highland Park, CA, 90065. For more info, visit the blog http://www.monstersonbikes.blogspot.com .